A SFUVET apprentice at the ILO Global Skills Forum

Salmir Hodzic, apprentice at SFUVET, shared his experiences at the ILO Global Skills Forum that took place on April 23rd and April 24th in Geneva.

Salmir Hodzic ILO

“Impact Stories: The transformative power of apprenticeships”, this is the title of a panel discussion that was conducted during the ILO Global Skills Forum in Geneva with different stakeholders from all walks of life, including government, the worker community, the private sector, and vocational education and training. The core of the panel consisted of the stories of two apprentices: 

One of them was Salmir Hodzic, commercial apprentice in the 2nd year at SFUVET who provided his testimonials on how apprenticeship has profoundly impacted his personal and professional journey. Salmir expressed his satisfaction with this program “because I can see the professional life in practical and continue to learn the theory. I am particularly grateful to my trainers and colleagues, who treat me as a full member of the team, making my daily experience extremely enjoyable.“ 

The second interesting and touching story was shared by Khayam Mustafa Yakut
Who graduated from an apprenticeship programme at Park Hyatt hotel in Zanzibar and is now an employee there.